Why Should You Join the International Brotherhood of Teamsters?

When you and your co-workers form a union with the Teamsters, you’ll be able to make the changes and guarantee the protections that matter to you. That’s because the union is simply you and your co-workers speaking with one voice.
Without a union, management makes all the decisions. But by coming together with the Teamsters, you and your co-workers work together instead of going it alone.
What can you expect from management?
When workers for a union, we gain a voice in decisions that affect our jobs, our future and our families. Unfortunately, management doesn’t always like the idea of sharing the decision-making with employees. So management’s first reaction may be to make a lot of misleading statements to try to convince us not to join together.
Keep in mind that it’s normal for some tension to arise when workers start to build a union. But the tension is temporary. After we vote to form a uion management will adjust to our having a voice on the job.