Daniel Wiktorek, Son of Dariusz Wiktorek (Ametek/Bison) and Grace Brigante, Daughter of Thomas Brigante (UAL), the winners of the 2024 Joseph Bernstein Memorial Scholarship Grant.
Good luck to Daniel Wiktorek and Grace Brigante in their future endeavors.
The Scholarship Fund of Local 781, IBT is committed to the belief that educating our children prepares them for the future. To honor the commitment of educating our children, the Union offers a $5000 cash scholarship award. The Executive Board will determine the number of awards to be granted.
There will be Scholarships offered to High School Seniors, graduating in 2025 whose parents/grandparents are Teamster members with 12 consecutive months of dues paid prior to the deadline of each scholarship offered will be available at the 1st of the year.
Joseph Bernstein, Sr. Local 781 Memorial Scholarship.
Please call the Union office, ext.110 to request an application form or view the form online below
Deadline: TBD
The James R. Hoffa Memorial Scholarship
Applications and Information are available from all Teamster Local Unions and the Scholarship Fund.
Deadline: March1, 2025
William A. Lee Memorial Scholarship Chicago Federation of Labor
A letter and information is available on their website on how to apply for the Chicago Federation of Labor 2025 Scholarship.
Deadline: February 21, 2025